- 分别去掉数字a链接的aria-label属性和值,分别其加上aria-labelledby和href属性并赋值,给class="d_tit"的p标签加上id值如:id="tabs2"
- 把此模块的第一个数字a链接对应的class="d_picBox"的div的id值去掉,添加到 此模块内对应的class="d_txt"的p标签上
- 分别给其余数字a链接对应的class="d_txt"的p标签,加上ID,例如:id="002" 此demo以第二个数字a链接为例,实现的最终效果为:当focus到第二个数字a链接,读屏工具读出title:“Seat Pitch”,当点击回车时读出具体文本内容:“The pitch is 74 to 80 inches. Seats can lie flat at 180°, giving you more comfort during your journey.”
<a class="d_btn fl d_active" href="#002" aria-labelledby="tabs2">2</a>
<div class="d_eachText d_active"> <p class="d_tit" id="tabs2">Seat Pitch</p> <p id="002" class="d_txt">The pitch is 74 to 80 inches. Seats can lie flat at 180°, giving you more comfort during your journey.</p> </div>